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How we apply donation funds

Your donation goes directly towards funding exotic hunts for disabled veterans and supplying them with specialized archery equipment.


Your donation is tax deductible under 501(c)3


Funding Priorities

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Game Animals

By far our largest operational cost, whether at H&S ranch, or conducting hunts on other properties, hunting and taxidermy fees can add up quickly in the exotic hunting space.

Adaptive Archery Equipment

We source our adaptive Archery Equipment locally from Wallhangers Outdoors, these are high quality compound bows and crossbows from the best manufacturers. Each archery system is professionally fitted to each disabled veteran depending on their disability.

Travel Costs

Combat Warrior Outfitters offers a unique experience, blending adaptive archery with a unique hunting experience. We would like to offer this experience to veterans across the United States without burdening them with costly travel expenses.

There are currently 1.66 million disabled veterans in the United States, and 70% have physical injuries, including injuries to the hands, pelvic, ocular, back, and nerves. These injuries prevent America's veterans from living a normal life with their families and no longer enjoying the activities they once did. This leaves many veterans feeling lost and without a sense of purpose or direction in life. Combat built a brotherhood of love, compassion, and closeness with our fellow brothers and sisters in arms that cannot be rivaled. 


Combat Warrior Outfitters ask for your donations to help support America's disabled veterans who have sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy today.


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